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2022 | Martina Lippl: Gardasee-Ort Limone hat speziellen Genpool – für gesteigerte Gesundheit |
In: Merkur - 25. Oktober 2022 | |||
Ein Mailänder Wissenschaftler kam dem Geheimnis des langen Lebens auf die Spur. Der Pharmakologe Cesare Sirtori entdeckte das sogenannte „Limone-Gen“ im Blut eines Mannes von Limone sul Garda. Es ist ein spezielles Protein, das Herz und Arterien schützt. Das Protein zerstört Lipide und hält das Blut flüssig. Es ist eine genetische Anomalie im Blut, das auch andere Dorfbewohner in sich tragen. In den 1980er Jahren rückte diese Entdeckung des A1-Milano-Proteins die kleine Ortschaft am Gardasee ins Rampenlicht. |
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Siehe auch: Nel sangue dei limonesi il segreto di una risposta cellulare più veloce |
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2021 | Cosimo Posth a.o. The origin and legacy of the Etruscans through a 2000-year archeogenomic time transect |
In: SCIENCE ADVANCES - Vol 7, Issue 39, 24. September 2021 | |||
The origin, development, and legacy of the enigmatic Etruscan civilization from the central region of the Italian peninsula known as Etruria have been debated for centuries. Here we report a genomic time transect of 82 individuals spanning almost two millennia (800 BCE to 1000 CE) across Etruria and southern Italy. During the Iron Age, we detect a component of Indo-European–associated steppe ancestry and the lack of recent Anatolian-related admixture among the putative non–Indo-European–speaking Etruscans. Despite comprising diverse individuals of central European, northern African, and Near Eastern ancestry, the local gene pool is largely maintained across the first millennium BCE. This drastically changes during the Roman Imperial period where we report an abrupt population-wide shift to ~50% admixture with eastern Mediterranean ancestry. Last, we identify northern European components appearing in central Italy during the Early Middle Ages, which thus formed the genetic landscape of present-day Italian populations. |
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Link: Neue Hinweise zum Ursprung der Etrusker (wissenschaft.de) |
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2021 | Cesare Sirtori: “Nel sangue dei limonesi il segreto di una risposta cellulare più veloce” |
In: La Repubblica - 2. Februar 2021 | |||
Lo scienziato milanese, a margine della presentazione del volume sulla sua vita e le sue ricerche, rivela la partenza di uno studio finanziato dal Cnr che riporta l’attenzione della comunità scientifica sulla straordinaria scoperta di una proteina mutante negli abitanti di Limone sul Garda. Di Irma D'Aria |
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Vedi anche: Gardasee-Ort Limone hat speziellen Genpool |
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2021 | Walter Pohl a.o.: Integrating Genetic, Archaeological, and Historical Perspectives on Eastern Central Europe, 400–900 AD: Brief Description of the ERC Synergy Grant – HistoGenes 856453 |
In: Historical Studies on Central Europe - 1, 213–228. Received 02 November 2020 | Accepted 09 December 2020 | Published online 30 April 2021 | ||
Nur wenige Teile Europas erlebten in wenigen Jahrhunderten so viele Bevölkerungsverschiebungen wie das Karpatenbecken in den Jahren 400–900 n. Chr. In dieser Makroregion entlang der mittleren Donau kamen und gingen Pannonier, Römer, Goten, Gepiden, Langobarden, Awaren, Bulgaren, Slawen, Franken und viele andere. Dies ist ein faszinierender Testfall für die Beziehung zwischen ethnischen Identitäten, die in Texten konstruiert sind, kulturellem Habitus, der in archäologischen Aufzeichnungen bezeugt ist, und genetischen Profilen, die jetzt durch alte DNA analysiert werden können. Wie wirkten sich Migration und Mobilität auf die Bevölkerung Ostmitteleuropas aus? Wurde die spätantike Bevölkerung verdrängt, vermischte sie sich mit den Neuankömmlingen, oder haben seine nachkommen nur neue kulturelle stile übernommen? Inwieweit entsprachen biologische Unterscheidungen den kulturellen Grenzen und/oder Ethnonymen in den Texten? Wenn sie mit methodologischer Vorsicht verfolgt wird, wird diese Fallstudie Auswirkungen über das Feld hinaus haben. HistoGenes analysiert c. 6.000 Proben aus Gräbern mit modernsten wissenschaftlichen Methoden und kontextualisieren die Interpretation dieser Daten in ihrem archäologischen und historischen Umfeld. Der rasche Fortschritt der aDNA-Analyse und der Bioinformatik machen ein solches Unternehmen jetzt lebensfähig. Die Methoden der historischen Interpretation haben jedoch nicht Schritt gehalten. HistoGenes wird zum ersten Mal Historiker, Archäologen, Genetiker, Anthropologen und Spezialisten für Bioinformatik, Isotopenanalyse und andere wissenschaftliche Methoden vereinen. Ein breites Spektrum historischer Einzelfragen wird aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive behandelt und grundlegende theoretische und methodische Fragestellungen können untersucht werden. HistoGenes wird nicht nur unser Wissen über eine Schlüsselperiode in der europäischen Geschichte erweitern, sondern auch neue Standards für die historische Interpretation genetischer Daten setzen. Der sechsjährige HistoGenes Synergy Grant wurde am 1. Mai 2020 gestartet. There are two main issues that can be addressed in the proposed interdisciplinary research. One is the grassroot-level social structures as reflected in the cemeteries of small communities. How did the way of life in Roman provinces such as Pannonia change when the Roman order disintegrated? A pilot project on the Longobard migration to Italy 15 (Amorim et al., “Understanding.”) in 568 provides material for comparing the development of “barbarian” settlements in Pannonia and Italy before and after 568. 16 (Koncz, “568.”) The (debated) “Transformation of the Roman World” had many faces. 17 (Wickham, Framing the Early Middle Ages; Halsall, Barbarian Migrations.) The issue of basic social structures can be addressed by a combination of archaeological assessments of cemetery structure, genetic data on kinship relations, C- and N-isotope analyses of richer and poorer diets, anthro-pological evidence of labor or combat (provided by skeletal remains), and written information about local communities. |
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2018 | Walter Pohl a.o.: Langobarden: Genstudien erhellen Wanderschaft eines mysteriösen Volkes. Die Analyse zweier Gräberfelder aus der Zeit der Völkerwanderung belegt das Zusammenleben unterschiedlicher Ethnien |
In: Der Standard - 12. September 2018 - red, APA | |||
In beiden Gräberfeldern setzte sich die Beigesetzten nicht aus bloß nur Männern eines einzelnen Germanenstammes zusammen, wie man sich die Völkerwanderung in deutsch-nationalen Zeiten gerne vorgestellt hat, erklärte Pohl. Im ungarischen Fundort waren es zwei und in Italien drei Familiengruppen, die sich nicht nur genetisch, sondern auch kulturell stark unterschieden. Im Kernbereich der Gräberfelder lagen sozial hochgestellte Männer in holzverkleideten Ruhestätten mit großzügigen Beigaben wie Waffen und Schildern. Rund um sie waren in ebenso reich ausgestatteten Gräbern die Frauen des selben Klans begraben, auch ihnen hatte man Schätze wie Broschen und Perlenketten mitgegeben. Diese Männer und Frauen waren ein genetisch abgeschlossener Familienverband, der sich nur wenig mit den anderen mischte, und am ehesten mit den heutigen Nord- und Mitteleuropäern verwandt ist. Dann wiederum gab es Gräber ohne Beigaben, bei denen die DNA in den menschlichen Überresten eher von südeuropäischer Abstammung zeugen. "Es lebten hier also unterschiedliche Gruppen zusammen und bildeten sozusagen Multikulti-Siedlungen", so Pohl. |
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2018 | Walter Pohl a.o.: Understanding 6th-century barbarian social organization and migration through paleogenomics |
In: nature communications - 11. September 2018 | ||
Despite centuries of research, much about the barbarian migrations that took place between the fourth and sixth centuries in Europe remains hotly debated. To better understand this key era that marks the dawn of modern European societies, we obtained ancient genomic DNA from 63 samples from two cemeteries (from Hungary and Northern Italy) that have been previously associated with the Longobards, a barbarian people that ruled large parts of Italy for over 200 years after invading from Pannonia in 568 CE. Our dense cemetery-based sampling revealed that each cemetery was primarily organized around one large pedigree, suggesting that biological relationships played an important role in these early medieval societies. Moreover, we identified genetic structure in each cemetery involving at least two groups with different ancestry that were very distinct in terms of their funerary customs. Finally, our data are consistent with the proposed long-distance migration from Pannonia to Northern Italy. |
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2017 | Stefania Sarno, Alessio Boattini, et al.: Ancient and recent admixture layers in Sicily and Southern Italy trace multiple migration routes along the Mediterranean |
In: Nature.com - 16 May 2017 | |||
The Mediterranean shores stretching between Sicily, Southern Italy and the Southern Balkans witnessed a long series of migration processes and cultural exchanges. Accordingly, present-day population diversity is composed by multiple genetic layers, which make the deciphering of different ancestral and historical contributes particularly challenging. We address this issue by genotyping 511 samples from 23 populations of Sicily, Southern Italy, Greece and Albania with the Illumina GenoChip Array, also including new samples from Albanian- and Greek-speaking ethno-linguistic minorities of Southern Italy. Our results reveal a shared Mediterranean genetic continuity, extending from Sicily to Cyprus, where Southern Italian populations appear genetically closer to Greek-speaking islands than to continental Greece. Besides a predominant Neolithic background, we identify traces of Post-Neolithic Levantine- and Caucasus-related ancestries, compatible with maritime Bronze-Age migrations. We argue that these results may have important implications in the cultural history of Europe, such as in the diffusion of some Indo-European languages. Instead, recent historical expansions from North-Eastern Europe account for the observed differentiation of present-day continental Southern Balkan groups. Patterns of IBD-sharing directly reconnect Albanian-speaking Arbereshe with a recent Balkan-source origin, while Greek-speaking communities of Southern Italy cluster with their Italian-speaking neighbours suggesting a long-term history of presence in Southern Italy. |
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Link: Mediterrane Geschichte im Spiegel der Genetik 19. Mai 2017 |
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Link: Gemeinsames genetisches Erbe von Sizilien bis Zypern 18. Mai 2017 |
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2017 | Paolo Anagnostou, Giovanni Destro Bisol, et al.: La sorprendente ricchezza genetica delle minoranze italiane. |
In: National Geographic Italia - 18 febbraio 2017 - Davide Michielin | |||
Le comunità isolate mostrano più variabilità genetica di quelle aperte, rivela una ricerca; ma per studiare le popolazioni umane non basta analizzare il loro DNA. (...) Diverso è il caso dei cimbri, un altro gruppo di origine tedesca che si è insediato tra il decimo ed il dodicesimo secolo nell’altopiano di Asiago in Veneto e quello degli abitanti di Carloforte, enclave ligure situata nell'isola di San Pietro, sulla costa sud orientale della Sardegna. “I cimbri sono andati nel tempo incontro ad una parziale assimilazione culturale che li resi più ‘porosi’ agli influssi linguistici e genetici delle popolazioni locali. Anche se la lingua è in regressione, la cultura cimbra gode di una estrema vivacità, grazie all’associazionismo che tiene in vita le tradizioni”, prosegue Destro Bisol. |
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2017 | Paolo Anagnostou, Giovanni Destro Bisol, et al.: Overcoming the dichotomy between open and isolated populations using genomic data from a large European dataset |
In: nature - 01 february 2017 - Study | |||
A breakdown of the cultural barrier might account for the behavior of Cimbrians. In fact, only a limited number of individuals is today able to use the Cimbrian language, a situation in contrast with the persistence of the original linguistic features in other German speaking communities42. This form of cultural assimilation, which started in the middle of the 16th century, probably increased the permeability of Cimbrians to gene flow from neighbouring populations. |
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2014 | Marco Capocasa, Giovanni Destro Bisol, Davide Pettener: La nostra storia, tra cultura e geni. |
In: Le Scienze - 03 settembre 2014 - Numero 553 | |||
I fattori culturali aiutano a leggere la struttura genetica delle popolazioni italiane, mostrando una diversità unica in Europa Die kulturellen Faktoren helfen die genetische Struktur der italienischen Populationen zu lesen,eine einzigartige Vielfalt in Europa |
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2014 | Giovanni Destro Bisol, et al.: Italiani, i più ricchi in Europa … di diversità genetica. |
Rassegna Stampa 01, Januar. | |||
Uno studio coordinato dalla Sapienza rivela la ricchezza della biodiversità umana nel nostro Paese c’è maggiore distanza genetica tra i Sardi o le popolazioni Alpine e i loro gruppi vicinali che tra portoghesi e ungheresi |
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2013 | Valentina Coia et al.: Demographic Histories, Isolation and Social Factors as Determinants of the Genetic Structure of Alpine Linguistic Groups. |
In: PLOS One. Volume 8, Issue 12, December. | |||
In fact, within and among population diversity values observed vary across linguistic groups, with German and Italian speakers at the two extremes, and seem to reflect their different demographic histories. ... Extending the analysis to other continental populations, we observed that the genetic differentiation of Ladins and German speakers from Europeans is comparable or even greater to that observed for well known outliers like Sardinian and Basques. |
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2013 | Peter Ralph & Graham Coop: Alle Europäer sind genetisch eine Familie. Bewohner Europas sind genetisch enger miteinander verwandt als gedacht. |
In: scinexx - das wissensmagazin, 08. Mai 2013 | |||
Europäer sind enger untereinander verwandt als angenommen: Selbst Menschen, die durch den gesamten Kontinent voneinander getrennt sind, wie beispielsweise Iren und Türken, stammen von den gleichen Vorfahren ab. Und diese gemeinsamen Ahnen lebten erst vor tausend Jahren – also gemessen an der Menschheitsgeschichte quasi erst gestern, wie US-amerikanische Forscher im Fachmagazin „PloS Biology“ berichten. Ihre DNA-Analysen von rund 2.500 Menschen zeigen aber auch, welche Spuren die Geschichte in unserem Erbgut hinterließ. Die genetischen Daten spiegeln aber auch entscheidende Ereignisse in der europäischen Geschichte deutlich wieder: So sind beispielsweise Italiener im Durchschnitt weniger eng untereinander und mit anderen Europäern verwandt. Ihre gemeinsamen Vorfahren liegen weiter zurück als die in anderen Gebieten. „Zudem gibt es in Italien eine deutlich ausgeprägte Substruktur genetisch voneinander abgegrenzter Bevölkerungsgruppen“, erklären die Forscher. Dies lasse sich dadurch erklären, dass gerade diese Region Europas in der Vergangenheit sehr häufig von wechselnden Kulturen unterschiedlicher Herkunft besiedelt wurde. Zudem reflektiere dies in Teilen auch die geografische Isolation von Populationen innerhalb Ittaliens. |
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2013 | Peter Ralph & Graham Coop: The Geography of Recent Genetic Ancestry across Europe. |
In: PLOS Biology, 07. Mai 2013 | |||
The recent genealogical history of human populations is a complex mosaic formed by individual migration, large-scale population movements, and other demographic events. Population genomics datasets can provide a window into this recent history, as rare traces of recent shared genetic ancestry are detectable due to long segments of shared genomic material. We make use of genomic data for 2,257 Europeans (in the Population Reference Sample [POPRES] dataset) to conduct one of the first surveys of recent genealogical ancestry over the past 3,000 years at a continental scale. We detected 1.9 million shared long genomic segments, and used the lengths of these to infer the distribution of shared ancestors across time and geography. We find that a pair of modern Europeans living in neighboring populations share around 2–12 genetic common ancestors from the last 1,500 years, and upwards of 100 genetic ancestors from the previous 1,000 years. These numbers drop off exponentially with geographic distance, but since these genetic ancestors are a tiny fraction of common genealogical ancestors, individuals from opposite ends of Europe are still expected to share millions of common genealogical ancestors over the last 1,000 years. There is also substantial regional variation in the number of shared genetic ancestors. For example, there are especially high numbers of common ancestors shared between many eastern populations that date roughly to the migration period (which includes the Slavic and Hunnic expansions into that region). Some of the lowest levels of common ancestry are seen in the Italian and Iberian peninsulas, which may indicate different effects of historical population expansions in these areas and/or more stably structured populations. Population genomic datasets have considerable power to uncover recent demographic history, and will allow a much fuller picture of the close genealogical kinship of individuals across the world. |
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2012 | Valentina Coia et al.: Evidence of high genetic variation among linguistically diverse populations on a micro-geographic scale: a case study of the Italian Alps. |
In: Journal of Human Genetics (2012) 57, 254–260 | |||
Finally, our results reveal a striking difference in the way in which the two linguistically isolated populations are genetically related to the neighboring groups. The Ladin speakers were found to be genetically close to the Italian-speaking populations and differentiated from the other Dolomitic Ladins, whereas the German-speaking Cimbri behave as an outlier, showing signatures of founder effects and low growth rate |
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2007 | Anders D. Børglum et al.: No Signature of Y Chromosomal Resemblance Between Possible Descendants of the Cimbri in Denmark and Northern Italy |
In: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 132:278–284 (2007) | |||
While Cimbri from Himmerland resembled their geographical neighbors from Denmark for the Y-chromosome markers, Cimbri from Italy were significantly differentiated both from Cimbri from Himmerland and from Danes. Therefore, we were not able to show any biological relationship for uniparentally transmitted markers. |
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2007 | Jennifer Dorian and Andrea Fleischer: Medical Mystery: Secret to Long Life? |
In: "abc news" 30. Januar 2007 | |||
In the foothills of the Italian Alps is a tiny village that may hold a clue to a medical mystery that has challenged researchers for centuries. Despite indulging in an artery-clogging diet that could make even an Italian grandmother cringe, the 400 or so residents of tiny Stoccareddo, Italy, have virtually no heart disease or diabetes, and often live into their 90s. |
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Siehe auch: Segensreiche Inzucht |
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See also: An Alpine Shangri-La |
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2006 | Der Spiegel: Segensreiche Inzucht |
In: "Der Spiegel" 12. November 2006 | |||
In einem Örtchen der italienischen Alpen wollen Genetiker das Geheimnis der Gesundheit studieren. 402 Menschen wohnen in Stoccareddo, rund 75 Kilometer nordwestlich von Venedig. Sie sind zumeist groß, oft blond oder rothaarig, 380 von ihnen tragen denselben Nachnamen: Baù. Sie alle stammen offenbar ab von wenigen Dänen, die sich hier vor über 600 Jahren niedergelassen haben sollen. Seit je finden die Baùs ihre Partner vor allem im Verwandtenkreis, und offenbar hat ihnen all die Inzucht nicht geschadet. Im Gegenteil: »Viele der schlechten Gene sind hier mit der Zeit ausgewaschen worden«, vermutet Uros Hladnik vom privaten Baschirotto-Institut für seltene Krankheiten in Vicenza. Seit Menschengedenken sei in Stoccareddo kein Fall einer schweren Erbkrankheit bekannt. Stattdessen seien die Leute von Natur aus gut gewappnet gegen Diabetes und Bluthochdruck, obwohl ihre Lebensgewohnheiten sie dafür prädestinierten. »Wir haben viele Baùs mit sehr schlechten Blutfettwerten gefunden«, sagt Hladnik - dennoch seien sie meist kerngesund. Jetzt hofft er, jene Baù-Gene ausfindig zu machen, die ihre Krankheitsresistenz erklären. |
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See also: Medical Mystery: Secret to long life? |
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See also: An Alpine Shangri-La |
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2006 | Peter Popham: An Alpine Shangri-La: The town that holds secret of good health |
In: "The Independent" 03. November 2006 | |||
High in the Italian Alps above the Venetian coast is a village where people do not fall ill. They eat red meat, they drink wine and grappa, many of them smoke, but the crippling, much-feared diseases of civilisation pass them by. They have high cholesterol because of their diet, but it doesn't lead to heart attacks. Hypertension is almost unknown. Very few suffer from diabetes. Cancer is rare. Genetic disease is unheard of. |
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Siehe auch: Segensreiche Inzucht |
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See also: Medical Mystery: Secret to long life? |
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2005 | Lutz Roewer et al.: Signature of recent historical events in the European Y-chromosomal STR haplotype distribution. |
In: Hum Genet (2005) 116: 279–291 | |||
By contrast, our analysis of ... Y-STRs ... reveals a signature of more recent historic events, not previously detected by other genetic markers. (...) This and other observed patterns of Y-STR similarity may plausibly be related to particular historical incidents, including, for example, the expansion of the Franconian and Ottoman Empires. |
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